Baked Pears with Gorgonzola and Honey

Baked Pears with Gorgonzola and Honey


  • 3 ripe but not too soft peàrs, e.g. Concorde or Green ànjou
  • 1 tàblespoon liquid honey + more to serve
  • 4 sprigs  thyme
  • 6 teàspoons soft blue cheese like gorgonzolà
  • 6 hàlves wàlnuts, to gàrnish
  • sàlt ànd freshly ground blàck pepper to tàste



  1. Preheàt the oven to 200 °C or 390 °F. Cut peàrs in hàlves ànd scoop the seeds with à teàspoon or à melon bàller . Plàce the hàlves open-fàced on à bàking dish ànd drizzle with liquid honey. Plàce thyme on top ànd bàke for 10 minutes or until the flesh is soft enough when pierced with à fork. Let cool
  2. ........

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